Features are tailored to operation on VHF, UHF and Microwave frequencies. It operates not only on SSB, FM and CW, but also on four Weak-Signal modes. The DSP-10 is an amateur-radio, software-defined 2-meter transceiver that can be built at home. Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM) is a new digital radio standard for the long-, medium- and short-wave ranges Opensource software implementation of a DRM Receiver.

In a nutshell, it accepts a chunk of up to 96 kHz coming from a complex mixer in form of two signals, I and Q, fed to the PC sound card.Ī software defined radio by Alberto I2PHD Winrad is a free software program designed to implement a Software Defined Radio (SDR), meant to run under Windows XP, Windows 2000, or Windows 98SE.